About the Project
The H-1 Freeway Airport Viaduct improvements include a two-layer epoxy preservation and protective surface treatment applied over the freeway’s eastbound lanes and ramps, including shoulders.
The two-layer epoxy surface treatment technique is the first to be used by HDOT, which incorporates a combination of epoxy binders and aggregates designed to protect the H-1 concrete deck and underlying reinforcements, seal deck cracks, and provide a uniform traffic driving surface.
HDOT utilized the Fastrac EP1500 Epoxy Polymer Pump to dispense the FasTrac CE335 Epoxy Penetrating Sealer onto the concrete deck. Next, the FasTrac HFST (High Friction Surface Treatment) truck dispensed the CE330 Epoxy Binder and the Armorstone aggregate in a single pass.
The epoxied surface has a higher frictional value than the current concrete deck which improves handling and braking for vehicles, and increases the service life of the structure.