Hybrid Polymer Concrete - CE 710
CE710 HPC is a three-component, 100% solids, multi-purpose, high strength, and non-shrink epoxy patching mortar. The system combines a high-quality epoxy resin and curing agent with an engineered blend of graded aggregates. Specifically engineered to provide superior patching while demonstrating similar physical characteristics to the concrete substrate.
- Rapid return to traffic – less than 3 hours
- Impermeability provides excellent protection against chloride intrusion increasing structure life
- High abrasion resistance
- Low modulus formula produces less stress on the substrate
- Excellent thermal compatibility
- No volatile chemical odors, zero VOC
- Durable in extreme climatic conditions
- Self-priming, no primer required
- Freshly placed system can be tined to produce a traction profile
- Optional high friction aggregate surface can be added for increased traffic safety
Where To Use
- Patching concrete on bridge decks
- Parking deck repair
- Columns and beams
- General plant maintenance
- Spalled area repair