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Lithium Pro Cure

Lithium Pro Cure

FasTrac LITHIUM PRO CURE is a water-based lithium curing aid and sealer for concrete. LITHIUM PRO CURE reacts with concrete to permanently seal substrates and help protect it from thermal and shrinkage cracking, freeze-thaw damage, and chloride ion penetration.

High solids lithium content allows for greater penetration. LITHIUM PRO CURE also incorporates a water repellent for added protection of concrete surfaces.


  • Concrete bridge decks, roads, highways, runways, taxiways
  • Architectural and parapet walls
  • Columns and beams
  • Parking garages, warehouses, hospitals and schools


  • Environmentally friendly formula, zero VOC
  • Meets or exceeds ASTM C1202 RCP 7-day water cure
  • Acts as a curing aid to help prevent shrinkage cracks
  • Integrated water repellent for added concrete protection
  • Deep penetration
  • Densifies and dust proofs concrete
  • Reduced permeability
  • Does not affect bondability of coatings
  • Improves abrasion resistance
  • Self-cleaning
  • Made in America


Tined or broom finished concrete: ~200 sq. ft. / Gal

Steel troweled concrete: ~300 sq. ft. / Gal


275 gal / 1041 L

55 gal / 208 L

5 gal / 18.9 L

1 gal / 3.8 L

Shelf Life

One year in original unopened containers.

Application Temperature Range

Minimum surface temperature is  40⁰ F (4⁰ C)

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